Grupo Elemento



On Friday, January 27, 2023, the inauguration of the Acompañando Vidas Clinic took place with great success. Its function is the attention and prevention of suicidal behaviors, since it is a multifactorial problem that still requires a lot of dedication and there are no trained professionals for the attention, a specific specialization is needed in this topic, creation of programs, projects and trainings.


We know that the different public health care agencies make an important effort to contribute to prevention and care; however, they are overwhelmed by the current problems.

Although there is an adequate work of prevention and detection, sometimes there is a lack of resources and trained professionals for the immediate care of people who are at risk.

It is for this reason that the Suicidology Association of Latin America and the Caribbean (ASULAC), endorsed by the National Front for Suicide Prevention and the Iberoamerican Suicidology Network, and in collaboration with the private sector (particularly the company Grupo Elemento) due to the importance of recognizing us as instances that promote knowledge, the creation of programs and projects, the development of the person and social welfare, as well as to inspire more companies that wish to join the cause and collaborate so that this scourge (which mainly affects our adolescents and young people) can decrease little by little. Suicide is a preventable death. We invite you to join us and bet on life.


Address: Calle Estocolmo #513, Andrade, León Gto.

Contact: 477 852 6211 and 477 688 4093 |

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