Online shopper profile to be applied in the footwear industry


Online fashion shopper profiles vary according to their preferences, lifestyles and values. In the context of the footwear sector, these different categories of consumers present opportunities to customize marketing and product development strategies. 

 Therefore, the Center for Innovation and Competitiveness has published a report that presents an analysis on this topic, in which we can deepen that:

Women and young people tend to attribute greater relevance to fashion, showing a particular interest in contemporary trends and styles. 

These groups are divided into 3 profiles 


Fashionistas : High importance : Represents 23%.

They focus mainly on women and young people between the ages of 18 and 24. Fashion enthusiasts stand out for making the highest expenditures and carrying out a greater number of purchases with an average of $2007 MXN and 6.9 purchases per year.

In addition, they show a more extensive knowledge of online fashion stores compared to other shoppers and have shopped at approximately 3 different stores at some point in time. 

Their shopping behavior is particularly influenced by stores that offer exclusive products not available in physical stores, as well as by the latest trends. 


Moderate fans : Quite important : Represents 43%.

They represent the largest group, ranging in age from 41 to 65 years old. This group includes both men and women, and their level of spending is moderate, reaching $1610 MXN. They make approximately 6 purchases per year, distributed in 2 different stores. 

Their purchase decision making is mostly influenced by the variety of products offered in online stores, although they are also attracted by attractive prices, reliable quality and cheap or free shipping options.


Disconnected : Low importance : Represents 34%.

Characterized as a slightly more female-leaning audience, their ages range from 26 to 40 years old. The Disconnected show a lower level of spending and purchase frequency compared to the other groups, with an average spend of $1428 MXN and approximately 5.5 purchases per year.

In their shopping history, they have only explored about 1.6 different stores at any given time, and are aware of a smaller number of online fashion stores.

The Disconnected prioritize good prices, quality, cheap or free shipping costs, and promotions when making purchasing decisions.


In short, understanding and adapting to the profiles of online fashion shoppers is essential for success in the footwear sector. Personalization of marketing strategies, innovation in design and adoption of sustainable practices are key elements to meet the demands of modern and diversified next-generation consumers.



Photo: Freepik

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