Grupo Elemento

Footwear price in Spain remains very high


The price of footwear in Spain remains at very high levels during the beginning of this year. In both January and February 2023, shoe inflation exceeded 5%.


In this way, during the month of February, according to data from the National Institute of Statistics (INE), the consumer price index (CPI) of shoes sold in our country grew by 5.1%. This increase is identical to that registered in the previous month and 1.3% higher than a year ago.


If we analyze the data from the National Institute of Statistics in more detail, we see that men's footwear was the most inflationary, with a rise of 5.5% last month. It was followed by women's footwear, with an increase of 4.9%. For their part, the prices of baby and children's footwear grew by 4.5%.


In more general terms, the fashion sector, made up of the clothing and footwear subsectors, detected growth in its prices of 3.9% in February 2023. For its part, the general consumer price index stood at 6%.


Source: | Photographs: Freepik

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